enemy. They stayed at Badr eight days and sold their goods at a large profit.
This happy ending to what might have been a serious and bloody conflict called
for a special revelation:—
As to those who, after the reverse1 which befell them, respond to
God and His Apostle—such of them as do good works and fear God shall have a
great reward;
Who, when men say to them, 'Now are the Meccans mustering against you;
therefore fear them,' it only increased their faith, and they said, 'Our
sufficiency is God, and He is an excellent Protector.'
They returned,2 therefore, with the favour of God, enriched by Him3
and untouched by harm; and they followed what was well pleasing to God, and He
is of mighty munificence.4
Verily that devils5 would cause you to fear his friends fear them
not, but fear me if ye are believers. Sura Al-'Imran (iii) 166-9.
Other expeditions against certain tribes followed, none of which are of any
special interest, except that in one, the 'Salatu'1-Khauf,' or the regulation
for prayers in times of danger, was instituted. One division of the army watched
while the other prayed.6 The Qur'an had now become the medium through
which the warlike news and military