Deutsch, E. O. M., Islam (Literary Remains). London, Murray, 1874. 12s.
Dods, Marcus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Christ. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1886. 2s. 6d.
Easton, Rev. P. Z., Article on "Persia" in Schaff-Herzog Encyclopaedia.
Garcin de Tassy, L'Islamisme d'apres le Coran. Paris, 1874.
Geiger, A. (Rabbi), Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen? Bonn, 1833. (Translated by Lady Young under the title Judaism, and Islam. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co.)
Haines, C. R., Islam as a Missionary Religion. London, S. P. C. K. (Non-Christian Religious Systems Series), 1889. 2s.
Hardwick, Rev. C., Christ and other Masters. London and New York, Macmillan, 1873. $3.00.
Hauri, J., Der Islam in seinem Einfluss. Leiden, 1882. 6 mks.
Hooper, Rev. Dr., The Doctrine of Salvation in Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam (English original, Urdu translation).
Hughes, Rev. T. P., Notes on Muhammedanism. London, Allen, 1878. 6s.
Dictionary of Islam. London, Allen, 1885. £2 2s. Hunter, W. W., Sir, Indian Musalmans. London, Trubner, 1876. 12s.
Islam and Christianity. American Tract Society.
Koelle, Rev. Dr., Food for Reflection (English original; French version, Etudes Critiques; also Turkish version). C. M. S.

Koelle, Rev. Dr., The Death of Christ upon the Cross (Turkish original; English version). C. M. S.
Mohammed and Mohammedanism. London. Rivington 1889. 15s.
Krehl, L., Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed. Leipzig, 1884. 6.5o mks.
Kremer, A. von, Geschichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams. Leipzig, 1868. 1 th. 15 sgr.
Lake, J. J., Islam: its Origin, Genius, and Mission. London, 1878. 5s.
Lee, Rev. Dr. S., Controversial Tracts, C. M. S.
Lees, J. C., Mohammadanism (St. Giles' Lectures). Edinburgh, 1882.
Lees, W. N., Indian Mussulmans. London, Williams & Norgate, 1872. 2s.
Macdonald Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory. New York, Chas. Scribner & Sons, 1903.
Monro, J., Teaching of the Maulavis as to the Sinlessness of Muhammad; The Teaching of the Christian Scriptures on Sin and Salvation; How does the Qur'an confirm and guard the Christian Scriptures? (English original, Bengali version.) London, Christian Literature for India Society. (Some of Mr. Monro's Tracts are also published in Urdu and Arabic.)
Muhammad, Lives of, by:

Green, S. London, Tegg, 1877. 3s. 6d.
Irving, Washington. London, Murray, 1850. 2 vols. £1 1s.
Lamairisse et Dujarrac. Paris, 1897, Luzac (vol. i, 5 fr.).
Merrick. London, Chapman, 1850. 10s. 6d.