But cursed shall they be in this world and in the next who:
Affront God and His Apostle. Sura Al-Ahzab (xxxiii) 57.1
The day will come when their faces shall be rolled in the fire, and in their
bitter torment they will reflect on the past and say:
Oh! that we had obeyed God and obeyed the Apostle. Sura Al-Ahzab (xxxiii) 66.
Those who for a while believe and then draw back cannot escape the punishment
due to them, for it is said:
And when they are summoned before God and His Apostle, that He may judge
between them. Sura An-Nur (xxiv) 46.
In the last Sura but one believers are exhorted never to allow the claims of
wealth, family and home to draw them away from God and His Apostle, who should
be dearer to them than all else beside. A final warning is given which shows