change of the Qibla is openly stated in the verses:1—
We appointed the Qibla, thou formerly hadst, only that we might know him who
followeth the Apostle from him who turneth on his heels. The change is a
difficulty, but not to those whom God hath guided. But God would not let your
faith be fruitless for unto man is God merciful, gracious.
We have seen thee turning thy face towards every part of heaven; but we will
have thee turn to a Qibla which shall please thee. Turn then thy face towards
the sacred Mosque and, wherever ye be, turn your face towards that part. Sura
Al-Baqarah (ii) 138-9.
The Traditionists relate many stories connected with this event in the
Prophet's life. One is, that 'when he found the Jews obstinate he said to
Gabriel, "I wish God would change the Qibla to the Ka'ba;" Gabriel
replied, "Thou hadst better ask God thyself for thou art highly esteemed by
Him." The Prophet after this always looked up to heaven, waiting for
tidings to change the Qibla.'
The Ramadan fast, 2 also was now substituted for the one hitherto
kept simultaneously with the Jewish fast.
As for the month Ramadan, in which the Qur'an was sent down to be man's
guidance and an explanation