It is lofty, filled with wisdom. Sura Az-Zukhruf (xliii) 1-3.
And the infidels say, 'This Qur'an is a mere fraud of his own devising, and
others have helped him with it, who had come hither by outrage and lie.'
And they say, 'Tales of the Ancients that he hath put in writing! and they were
dictated to him morning and evening.'
Say: 'He hath sent it down who knoweth the secrets of the Heavens and of the
Then said the Apostle, 'O my Lord! truly my people have esteemed this Qur'an to
be vain babbling.' Sura Al-Furqan (xxv) 5-7, 32.
Will they say, he has forged it? Nay it is the truth from the Lord that thou
mayest warn a people to whom no warner hath come before thee, that haply they
may be guided. Sura As-Sajdah (xxxii) 2.
Say, the Holy Spirit hath brought it down
With truth from thy Lord. Sura An-Nahl (xvi) 104.
Sura Az-Zumar (xxxix) was probably revealed about the time of the first
flight to Abyssinia. It emphasizes the statement that the Qur'an came direct
from God, and records the terrifying effect of such a mode of revelation:—
We have sent down to thee this book with the truth, serve thou God then. 2.
The best of recitals hath God sent down, a book in unison with itself, and
teaching by iteration.' The very skins of those who fear the Lord do creep at
it. 24.