their hearts and gladly and readily obey His commandments. And, since the love of God is shed abroad in their 1 hearts through the Holy Spirit by means of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore the worship and service of their heavenly Father are not burdensome and wearisome to them, but on the contrary are the delight of their hearts. The Holy Spirit illuminates the true believers and guides them to the true knowledge of God. Bestowing on them grace and power to do God's will and to obey His commandments, He grants them to feel true peace and joy and rest within. But the man who does not accept God's own teaching regarding His Most Holy Nature, how can he believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ? If he does not believe this, he cannot accept the only Saviour, he cannot come to God by the one and only possible way of salvation. He cannot realize the perfect holiness and justice and love of God Most High. He cannot, therefore, love God, but must be content to believe and tremble, like the devils. 2 This dread not only does not give a man peace and comfort, but actually renders him always miserable and wretched. He can never feel sure of salvation, he can never realize the joy of knowing and loving God, and the delight of obtaining remission of sins, the new birth, and acceptance with God. Here he is either hopeless, oppressed with the burden of sin and the fear of death and

1 Rom. v. 5. 2 Jas. ii. 19.



hell; or he is puffed up with the fancy that all is well with him, because he has kept certain fasts and perhaps made a Hajj [pilgrimage to Mecca] and done other things which have no purifying influence on his heart. In such a man the words of the Lord Jesus Christ are verified: 'If 1 therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is the darkness!' 'And 2 ye will not come to Me, that ye may have life.'

(3) Since men are sinners, no mere man, not even a prophet, can save either himself or other men from sin and its terrible consequences. Moreover, since sin is alienation from God and is in itself a deadly leprosy of the spirit, man can never, either here or hereafter, be truly happy until he is pardoned and freed from the love and the slavery of sin. God's infinite holiness and justice are not consonant with His acceptance of a man still defiled with sin.. Hence a propitiation for sin is needed, and such an atonement as will satisfy the requirements of God's justice, while revealing His, mercy and love. This propitiation must also have the effect of softening the hard heart of the sinner, and of drawing him in humility and heartfelt penitence to God's footstool, thus doing entirely away with his alienation from God. Such an atonement can be made only by some one who is sinless, pure, perfect, and at the same time free from the obligation of doing God service, so that he may be

1 Matt vi. 23. 2 John v. 40.