accept that doctrine, though it is in accordance with the demands of right reason as well as with the teaching of the word (كلام) of God. To deny the possibility of such condescension on God's part is to declare that He is not Almighty. Those who state that such condescension is contrary to God's dignity would be wiser if they recognized the fact that the All-Wise God is far better able to judge of what is in accordance with His own dignity than are we men.

In the constitution of man, God has shown that what man thinks impossible is easy to the Almighty. For man cannot understand how it is possible for the immaterial spirit to enter into any relation with the material body; yet we know that we have a spirit within us, and that the spirit rules and dominates the body, though we know not how. Previous to experience we should have declared such a thing impossible. Body and spirit exercise a very great influence over one another during what we call our life here below; yet the immaterial spirit is not mingled and confounded (مخلوط ومركّب) with the material body. Somewhat in the same way the divine nature of the Word of God did not through the incarnation become mingled and confounded with the human nature in Christ.

Moreover, God has entered into a relation (علاقة) with His creatures not only in sending a revelation


through inspired men but also through creating the universe. It cannot be denied that there is a relation between the creator and the creatures which He has made. Those who do not believe in the doctrine of the Trinity fail altogether to understand how this is possible; yet we know that it is so. To deny it would be to declare oneself an Atheist.

Accordingly, just as no change or alteration has occurred in the holy and perfect nature of God through the creation of the world and through its preservation, even although He entered into a relation with the universe by creating and upholding it, so also no change occurred in the divine nature when the Word of God (كلمة الله) through the incarnation entered into a special relation with the human race. Both these matters, that is to say the creation of the universe and the incarnation of the divine nature (ألوهيّة) of the Word of God, are among the deep things of God's incomprehensible (لا يدرَك) nature; hence to comprehend them fully in their reality is beyond man's finite understanding. Therefore every pious man of understanding can join with the Psalmist in ascribing praise to God Most High and saying :

'Thy 1 years are throughout all generations.
Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth;

1 Ps. cii. 24-7.