This is the epilog of the Book by William Campbell.
{Footnotes I inserted in the text at the place where they belong}


Until this moment I have been presenting proofs that the Gospel
of Barnabas is a false Gospel: proofs which are the same for a
Muslim or a Christian and have nothing to do with the religious
content. Naturally, I hope that these 40 or 50 reasons and
proofs will convince all that this document cannot be the true
injil, the true Gospel of Christ, and is useless in Muslim-
Christian discussions.

  Now I wish to present three serious and tremendous difficulties, 
difficulties which make it almost impossible for any Christian to 
take the Gospel of Barnabas seriously, even without the above 
findings. These three reasons are:

  1. The lack of any mention of John the
     Baptist, called Yahya Ibn Zakariya in the Qur'an.

  2. The statement that Jewish sacrifices did not come from God 
     even though almost every one of the New Testament writers 
     mentions them for a total of hundreds of times - and the 
     Qur'an mentions them at least three times.

  3. The fact that pseudo-Barnabas calls himself one of the 
     Twelve Apostles of Jesus, and Thomas is omitted from the 
     list of apostles - a statement which disagrees with all four 
     of the Gospel writers.

No Mention of John the Baptist Yahya Ibn Zakariya

  Yahya Ibn Zakariya is mentioned five times in the Qur'an. The
first passage is found in the Sura Al-Anbiya'(The Prophets)
21:89-90, from the middle Meccan period, where he is praised by
God, along with his father Zakariya and his mother, for their
good works and their revelence. The second passage in the Sura
Al-An`am (The Cattle) 6:8S, from the late Meccan period,
mentions him along with Jesus as being "in the ranks of the
righteous". Thirdly in the Sura Maryam (Mary) 19:1-1S, 7 AH,
Yahya is mentioned twice. In the second reference he is
commanded, "O Yahya! take hold of the Book 
     {"The Book" must refer to the Torah and the Zabur as 
      being available to him without having been changed.} 
with might" and he is described as having wisdom even as a youth 
and piety and purity.

  The last passage which mentions Sidna Yahya is found in the
Sura Ali-`Imran (The Family of 'Imran) 3:38-41,45 from 2 or 3
AH. This is a very important passage and we must consider it at
some length because it says quite clearly that Yahya was a
prophet and prophesied that Jesus would come. Verse 39 reads,

  While he (Zakariya) was standing in prayer in the chamber, 
  the angels called upon him, 'God gives thee glad tidings of 
  Yahya, witnessing the truth of a word from God, and (Yahya 
  will be) noble, chaste and a prophet of the company of the 

And then in verse 45 we read about this word:

  Behold the angels said, 'O Mary! God giveth them glad tidings 
  of a Word from Him: his name will be the Messiah, Jesus the 
  son of Mary, held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, 
  and of those nearest to God.'

There is no doubt here that Yahya is to come witnessing the truth 
of a Word from God whose name will be Christ Jesus, the son of 
Mary. And this account agrees in all major details with the account 
of Yahya's birth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke, 
Chapter 1.

  To show the importance of Yahya in relation to Jesus in another
way, we find that Yahya is mentioned in three of the 11 Suras
where Jesus is mentioned. This represents 27 percent of the time.  

  According to the Gospel as we have it in Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John, there was a man sent from God named John the
Baptist (Yahya). He preached repentance and as a sign of this
repentance he had the people stoop down and cover themselves
with the waters of the Jordan river. This was a sign of leaving
their sins and turning to God and was called baptism. From this
sign he was called John the Baptist. He did no miracles but he
prophesied many times that Jesus, the Word of God, would come
and baptize with the Holy Spirit. His great importance in the
Gospel can be understood by the fact that in the Canonical
Gospels plus the Acts of the Apostles, John the Baptist is
mentioned 92 times, in 32 out of 117 chapters where Jesus is 
mentioned. This is also 27 percent of the time just like the 

  He is also mentioned in secular history by the Jewish historian
Josephus who wrote around 90 AD. In his long work called the
Antiquities of the Jews we read:

  Now, some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod's 
  army came from God and that very justly, as a punishment for 
  what he did against John, that was called the Baptist. For Herod 
  slew him, who was a good man and commanded the Jews to exercise 
  virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety 
  towards God, and so to come to baptism. Herod, who feared lest 
  the great influence John had over the people might put it into 
  his power and inclination to raise rebellion, thought it best, 
  by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause.
   {Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book xviii, Chap. 5}

  It may be questioned however what this has to do with anything.
To leave a person out has no meaning at all. And with that response 
I certainly agree. But when we look at the text of the pseudo-Gospel 
of Barnabas and compare it with the text of the Canonical Gospels, 
we discover that although John the Baptist (Yahya) is not mentioned, 
he wasn't left out at all because his words are still there. Only 
this time they are placed in the mouth of Jesus who is made to say 
exactly the same words about Muhammad.
  Let us look at the following comparisons:

Gospel According to Luke,        Gospel of Barnabas Chapter 100 
Chapter 3, verses 8 and 9   
John said, "Produce fruit in     Jesus says to his disciples, 
keeping with repentance ...      "go through all the region ... 
The ax is already at the root    preaching penitence: because 
trees, and every tree that       the axe is laid nigh unto the 
does not produce good fruit      tree, to cut it down." 
will be cut down."

  The Italian text for the following passage from the pseudo-Gospel 
of Barnabas is found in the photograph of page 44r seen in Figure 9.

Gospel According to John,         Gospel of Barnabas, Chapter 42
Chapter 1, verses 19 to 30      

Now this was John's               They (the priests) sent the 
testimony when the Jews of        levites and some of the 
Jerusalem sent priests and        scribes to question him, 
levites to ask him who he         saying: "Who are thou?" Jesus 
was. He ... confessed freely,     confessed and said the truth:  
"I am not the Christ."*           "I'm not the Messiah."* 

They asked him, "Then who         They said: "Art thou Elijah or 
are you? Are you Elijah?"         Jeremiah,

He said, "I am not."

"Are you the Prophet?"            or any of the ancient

He (John) answered,"No".          Jesus answered: "No".  

Finally they said, "Who are       Then said they: "Who art 
you? Give us an answer to         thou? Say, in	order that we 
take back to those who sent       may give testimony to those 
us. What do you say about         who sent us." 

John replied in the words of      Then said Jesus: "I am a 
Isaiah the prophet, "I am the     voice that cries through all 
voice of one calling in the       Judea, and cries: 'Prepare ye 
desert, 'Make straight the        the way for the messenger of 
way for the Lord."'               the Lord,; even as it is 
                                  written in Isaiah".  

Now some Pharisees who had        They said: "If thou be not the 
been sent questioned him,         Messiah* nor Elijah, or any 
"Why then do you baptize if       prophet, wherefore dost thou 
you are not the Christ,* nor      preach new doctrine, and 
Elijah, nor the prophet?"         make thyself of more value 
                                  than the Messiah*?"

"I baptize with water," John      Jesus answered: "The
replied, "but among you           miracles which God worketh 
stands one you do not know.       by my hands show that I 
He is the one who comes           speak that which God wills; 
after me, the thongs of whose     nor indeed do I make myself 
sandals I am not worthy to        to be accounted as him of 
untie " The next day John         whom ye speak. For I am not 
saw Jesus coming toward him       worthy to unloose the ties of 
and said, "Behold the Lamb        the hosen or the latchets of 
of God, who takes away the        the shoes of the Messenger of 
sin of the world! This is the     God whom ye call 'Messiah,' 
one I meant when I said, A        who was made before me, 
man who comes after me has        and shall come after me ...
surpassed me because he was 
before me."

{* Here the Greek "Christ" clearly equals the Italian "mesia" or
"messia" which can be seen in lines 3 and 12 of Figure 9.}

  We see from these comparisons that not only has the author of
Barnabas contradicted the Qur'an in calling Muhammad the Messiah, 
but he has copied the Canonical Gospels practically word for word. 
The only change he has made is to place the words of John the 
Baptist in the mouth of Jesus, making Jesus call Muhammad the 
Messiah; and eliminating Yahya from the book entirely.

  Eliminating Yahya may seem a small thing to a Muslim for it would 
only change five verses in the Qur'an. But omitting the greater part 
of four chapters and changing 28 others in the Canonical Gospel is 
a very large change. It	surely can not be expected that Christians 
should eliminate the great Yahya on the basis of one witness who has 
shown himself false 50 times in other areas, and also contradicts 
the Qur'an.

Barnabas Denies that God Ordered Burnt Sacrifices 
in the Torah which He Gave to Moses

  In Chapter 32 of the Gospel of Barnabas Jesus is talking with
the scribes and is made to say to them,

  And I ask you, for what cause have you annulled the precept of God 
  to observe your traditions? You say to the sons of poor fathers: 
  Offer and make vows unto the temple.

The author declares clearly that offerings are not a precept or
commandment of God. They are only by tradition.

  Then in Chapters 66 and 67 Jesus is made to make the following

  Woe unto your scribes and Pharisees: woe unto you, priests and
  Levites,.. For you say unto (those who come to sacrifice): 
  'Bring of your sheep and bulls and lambs to the temple of your 
  God, and eat not all, but give a share to your God (as a burnt 
  offering) of that which he hath given you.'

Here even the priests and Levites, the official religious leaders
ordained by God in the Torah, are rebuked for teaching people to 
offer sacrifices. The reason given by the author of Barnabas is 
that God does not need meat to eat. This is true, of course. God 
revealed it by the Holy Spirit in the Zabur (Psalms). In Psalm 
50:7-15 from 1000 BC God says,

  Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will 
  testify against you. I am God, your God! I do not rebuke you 
  for your sacrifices or your burnt offerings, which are ever 
  before me. I have no need of a bull from your stall or of 
  goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, 
  and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the 
  mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine. If I were 
  hungry I would not tell you for the world is mine, and all that 
  is in it. Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of 
  goats? Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to 
  the Most High and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will 
  deliver you, and you will honor me.

In other words God is saying, "I don't eat food from you or need 
your sacrifices as food, but I have commanded you to sacrifice. 
Now sacrifice with a pure heart."

  Is not God all-powerful and all-knowing? Does he not have the
right to order what he wishes? To say that he has no right to
order some of the meat of the sacrifice to be burnt by the Jews 
as a "sweet-savour" rising to him is also to say that he has no 
right to order the thousands of uneaten camels, bulls and sheep
offered to him now in the present by Muslims at Mecca during the 
Hajj on Aid-el-Kabir.

  In addition, the present practice of offering a sacrifice to
deal with ceremonial sin at Mecca would be wrong. If someone
makes an error during pilgrimage, wears the wrong kind of
clothes, for example, this would nullify the pilgrimage. In order 
to "cover it", "pay for it", "atone for it", according to the Sura 
Al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:196, 2-3 AH, he must give a ransom (fidya)
and one of his alternatives is to offer a sacrifice (nusuk). This 
happened to a friend of mine. He and seven other men went together 
to buy a bull to cover, (pay for?, atone for?) their ceremonial 
sins made during the Hajj.

  The important thing, though, for Muslim readers is to know what
the Qur'an says about burnt offerings in relation to the Torah of 
Moses. Did God order the Jewish believers to offer sacrifices or 
not? In the Sura Al-Ma'ida (The Table) 5:30, from 10 AH, it says 
about Cain and Abel:

  Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. 
  Behold! they each presented a sacrifice (qurban) (to God): 
  It was accepted from one, but not from the other.

This agrees exactly with what was revealed to Moses in Genesis 4:1-4 
of the Torah where it says that "Abel brought fat portions from some 
of the firstborn of his flock". Al Beidawi and Jallalo'ddin add 
further details not found in the Qur'an saying that God declared his 
acceptance of Abel's sacrifice in a visible manner, by causing fire 
to descend from heaven to consume it, without touching that of Cain.
  {Georgc Sale, The Koran, op. cit. note o on p. 77.}

  Next we read in the Sura Ali-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran) 3:183, 
from 2 or 3 AH, these words:

  They said: 'God took our promise not to believe in an apostle 
  unless he showed us a sacrifice (qurban) consumed by fire 
  (from heaven).' Say, 'There came to you apostles before me 
  with clear signs and even with what you ask for. Why then did 
  you slay them, if you speak the truth?'

This refers clearly to Elijah. The account of his great victory is
found in 1 Kings 18:16-45. Elijah challenged the priests of the idol
Baal to a contest. The priests of Baal were to cup up a bull and 
place it on an altar, and Elijah would do the same. The God who 
answered with fire from heaven would thus show himself to be the true 
God. Elijah even wet his sacrifices three times with jars of water. 
Then he prayed and the Lord God of Israel answered with fire consuming 
the meat, wood, and all of the water.

  This great Victory is also mentioned in the Sura Al-Saffat 
(The Ranks) 37:123-128, from the early Meccan period where we read:

  So also was Elias (Elijah) among those sent (by us). `Behold', he 
  said to his people, will you not fear God? Will you call upon Baal 
  and forsake the best of creators - God, your Lord and cherisher of 
  your fathers of old?' But they rejected him, and they will certainly 
  be called up (for punishment), except the sincere and devoted 
  servants of God.

Finally we find in the Sura Al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:67-72, from 2 AH, 
the following words:

  And remember Moses said to his people: 'God commands that you 
  sacrifice a heifer? They said, 'Do you make a laughing-stock of us?' 
  He said, 'God save me from being an ignorant fool!'... (then after 
  they ask several foolish questions because they do not want to obey, 
  the passage continues)... They said 'Now you have brought the truth.' 
  Then they offered her in sacrifice, but not with good-will.

Here it says in perfect clarity that God commanded the people through
Moses to offer a certain sacrifice. The story told in these verses
agrees with the command to sacrifice found in the Torah of Moses,
Numbers 19:1-10.

  From all these Qur'anic quotations we see clearly that sacrifices 
were commanded'by God. And again we find the Gospel of Barnabas 
contradicting both the Bible and the Qur'an.

Sacrifice in the Old Testament

  This contradiction may not seem very important to a Muslim, but for 
Christians (and for Jews) it is a terrible contradiction. It means 
that 57, or almost one third, of the 187 chapters in the Torah of Moses, 
are in error. It means that 10 percent of the Zabur (Psalms) of David 
is wrong. In total, 23 out of the 39 books of the Jews mention peace 
offerings, or sin offerings, or trespass offerings. We can not believe 
that they are all wrong. That is almost 2/3 of the Old Testament.

Sacrifice in the New Testament

  In the Christian New Testament sacrifices are mentioned or implied 
many times in all four of the canonical Gospels and in 9 of the 23 
books given by revelation to Jesus' disciples. This represents 48% of 
the Christian New Testament. 

  In Luke 2:22-24 we read that after Jesus' birth,

  Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord... 
  and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of 
  the Lord: 'a pair of doves or two young pigeons.'

In Luke 5:12-15 where we read about Jesus healing the man with leprosy,
Jesus says to the healed man,

  Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer 
  the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a 
  testimony to them.

In summary, sacrifices and offerings are mentioned in almost two thirds 
of the Old Testament and nearly half of the NT. Surely Muslims do not 
expect Christians to abandon the good news that Jesus opened Paradise 
to all by dying as a sacrifice for our sins on the basis of a book 
which is full of historical errors and even contradicts the Qur'an.

Barnabas Claims to be One of the Twelve Disciples 
Who Knew Jesus Personally

According to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded by Matthew, Mark, 
and Luke, Jesus chose 12 disciples for special training. Matthew, a 
tax collector, was called right out of the tax office. Matthew 9:9 says, 

  As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at 
  the tax collector's booth. 'Follow me,' he told him, and Matthew 
  got up and followed him.

On another occasion,

  As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon (Peter) 
  and his brother Andrew casting a net, for they were fishermen. 
  'Come follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' 
  At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mark 1:16-18)

These and nine other men left everything and followed Jesus for a
period of three or four years, living with him and learning the Gospel.
And with this the Qur'an agrees for we read in the Sura Al Saff (The
Battle Array) 61:14, from AH 3,

  As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, 'who will be my 
  helpers to the work of God?' The Disciples said, 'we are God's
  helpers!'... But We (God) gave power to those who believed 
  against their enemies, and thqy became the ones that prevailed.

Jesus chose these 12 special disciples early in his ministry and 
sent them with the message of his Gospel. Since they were specially 
chosen messengers and specially sent by Jesus, Christians often 
talk about them as "The Twelve Apostles", because "apostle" means 
messenger in Greek. From this the reader can understand our 
Christian definition of the word "apostle". It is a man who saw and 
heard Jesus and was specially sent by Jesus as a messenger to preach 
the Gospel. In three of the Gospels we find the names of these twelve
disciples. Thousands of Christians knew these men and their names are 
as follows:

Matthew 10:2-4           Mark 3:16-18             Luke 6:13-16    

Peter                    Simon Peter              Simon Peter      
Andrew                   Andrew                   Andrew 
Matthew                  Matthew                  Matthew 
John                     John                     John 
James                    James                    James 
Thaddaeus                Thaddaeus                Judas of James
                                                  (a second name
                                                   for Thaddaeus)
Bartholomew              Bartholomew              Bartholomew
Philip                   Philip                   Philip 
James of Alpheus         James of Alpheus         James of Alpheus
Judas Iscariot           Judas Iscariot           Judas Iscariot
Thomas                   Thomas                   Thomas 
Simon the Zealot         Simon the Zealot         Simon the Zealot

  If the reader were to look through the New Testament, he would find 
a great deal of information about some of these men. About others we 
know almost nothing except their names. But one thing is vely clear. 
The name of Barnabas is not on any of these lists.

The Twelve Apostles According to the Gospel of Barnabas 

  When we look at the Gospel of Barnabas we find that the author claims
to be an apostle. In the first lines of Chapter 1 we read:

  Barnabas, Apostle of Jesus the Nazarene, called Christ, to all 
  them that dwell upon the earth, desiring peace and consolation. 

There is a Barnabas, a church leader and friend of Paul, mentioned
many times in the New Testament book called the Acts of the Apostles.
He was probably a second generation Christian. "Second generation"
refers to those Christians who believed through the testimony and
preaching of the apostles. They may or may not have know Jesus of
Nazereth personally.

  In the Acts of the Apostles 4:36-37 we are told that this Barnabas 
was a Levite who came from Cyprus. He was the man who took Paul "and 
brought him to the Apostles" after Paul was converted (Acts 9:27). 
Some time later,

  Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Paul, and... brought him to
  Antioch, where for a whole year Barnabas and Paul met with the 
  church and taught great numbers of people. (Acts 11: 25-26)

Chapters 13 and 14 of Acts tell how Barnabas and Paul took a long
journey to preach the good news of forgiveness of sin to the idol

  When we look again at Chapter 1 of the Gospel of Barnabas, we find 
that the author claims to be that very Barnabas who knew Paul. He says,

  Dearly beloved ... many, being deceived of Satan, under pretense 
  of piety, are preaching most impious doctrine... repudiating the
  circumcision ordained of God for ever, and permitting every 
  unclean merit: among whom Paul has been deceived, whereof I speak 
  not without grief, for which cause I am writing the truth which I 
  have seen and heard in the intercourse that I have had with Jesus.

Perhaps he is using the word "apostle" with another meaning,?
Perhaps he only means that he heard Jesus' preaching and saw his 
miracles? But, no, he claims to be one of the twelve closest disciples. 
In Chapter 14 he also has a list of the Twelve. It reads as followers:

  Peter, Andrew, Barnabas, Matthew, John, James, Thaddaeus, Judas,
  Bartholomew, Philip, James, and Judas Iscariot.

Pseudo-Barnabas has included himself as one of the Twelve Apostles.
But there are other changes. Let us look at the font lists together:

Matthew 10:2-4     Mark 3:16-18      Luke 6:13-16         Barnabas 14 

Peter              Simon Peter       Simon Peter          Peter 
Andrew             Andrew            Andrew               Andrew
---                ---               ---                  Barnabas 
Matthew            Matthew           Matthew              Matthew 
John               John              John                 John 
James              James             James                James 
Thaddaeus          Thaddaeus         Judas of James       Thaddaeus
			             (a second name  
                                      for Thaddaeus)
---                ---               ---                  Judas 
Bartholomew        Bartholomew       Bartholomew          Bartholomew 
Philip             Philip            Philip               Philip
James of           James of          James of             James 
 Alpheus            Alpheus           Alpheus 
Judas              Judas             Judas                Judas 
 Iscariot           Iscariot          Iscariot             Iscariot
Thomas             Thomas            Thomas                --- 
Simon the          Simon the         Simon the             ---
 Zealot             Zealot            Zealot

  What do we find? Not only has Barnabas been added, but "Thaddaeus" 
and his second name "Judas" have become two different apostles. Finally, 
two men whom we thought for 1900 years were apostles, are not found on 
the list. The names of Simon the Zealot and Thomas are completely missing. 
This is a mistake of the same order as giving a list of the 10 most
distinguished followers of Muhammad, "the ten who received glad tidings", 
and missing out the name of Abu Bakr.

  We may not know much about Simon the Zealot, but Thomas was a very
important person. He travelled as far as India to preach the Gospel. 
To this day there is a church group in that country named for him, called 
Mar Toma. The most important thing though is his testimony to the 
resurrection of Jesus from the dead. According to John 20:25, when Thomas 
was told by the other disciples that Jesus had risen, he said,

  Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where 
  the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.

The next week, the risen Jesus appeared to him and rebuked him for his
unbelief. It is from this happening that the phrase "doubting Thomas"
has entered into English and most of the other languages spoken by

  His doubt and subsequent acceptance of Jesus as Saviour and Lord has 
been a strong proof to Christians, then and now, of the truth of the 
Gospel. So what is to be done? The answer was simple for pseudo-Barnabas. 
He left him out.

  In summary we can say that if you compare the pseudo-Gospel of Barnabas 
with the Canonical Gospels, you find long passages where the two are
identical. But any passage which does not agree with the doctrines of 
Islam, as understood by the author of Barnabas has either been changed or 
eliminated. Since John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus was to be the 
Saviour of the world from sin, he was eliminated. Since Mosaic sacrifices 
for sin were a type of Jesus' death for Our sins, it is claimed that God 
did not order them. Since Thomas is a strong witness to the resurrection 
of Jesus from the dead, he was left out.

Conclusion to the Epilogue -
 A Fantasy

  I ask my Muslim readers to imagine their reaction to the following 
idea. Someone comes to you now in the 20th century with a book which 
has never been mentioned before - a book which claims to be the true 
original Qur'an assembled by Zaid Ibn Thabit during the first century 
of the Hejira. It has a preface which mentions disagreements between 
Omar and Ali, the prophet's son-in-law, and claims to have been hidden 
until a future time when it will be revealed to correct the present

  You begin to read and arrive at the Sura Al-A'raf (The Heights) 7:158, 
from the late Meccan period. There you find the following words:

  So believe in God and His Apostle, the unlettered Prophet who 
  believes in God and his Words: follow him that ye may be guided 
    {Let me emphasize that I am speaking of a fantasy. The 
     boldfaced words are my creation, they are not part of the 

Next you are reading in the Sura Al-Tahrim (The Forbidding) 66:8, 
from 7 AH, and it says:

  The day that God will not permit to be humiliated the prophet and 
  those who believe with him, NOR THE PROPHET OF LIGHT WHO WILL 
  FOLLOW HIM. Their light will run forward before them.

  Another day you are reading the famous verse about the seal of
  the prophets from the Sura Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) 33:40, from 
  5-7 AH. There you find the following words:

  Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the 
  Apostle of God and the Seal of the prophets AND THE REVEALER OF
  knowledge of alL things.

Another day as you near the end of the Qur'an, you find a new
Sura called the Sura Al-'Ashara Al-Mubashsharun (The Ten who Received 
Glad Tidings). It is stated to be a Meccan Sura. As you read this 
Sura of which you have never heard, you find a list of the ten most 
distinguished followers of Muhammad (from which the Sura obviously got 
its name), men who were promised the "glad tidings" of certain 
entrance into paradise. You read through the names: Omar ben Khattab, 
Othman ben Affane, Ali ben Abi Taleb, etc. to the end. Suddenly you 
say to yourself, "Wait a minute' Where is the name of Abu Bakr Sadiq? 
This is impossible! He was the most important of all!" You read the 
list again and there is the name Aqba Ibn Nafia. "How could his name 
be there? you say to yourself, "This is ridiculous. He was the son of 
Omar's sister - a 'second generation' Muslim. He was not one of the 
'Ten who Received Glad Tidings'!" As you read a few lines farther, you 
find that Aqba Ibn Nafia is claiming that God told him to memorize all 
that he heard from Muhammad. Next to write it all down. And finally to 
keep it until a later date in order to correct all the mistakes that 
false people like Zaid, the Prophet's adopted son, put forth.

  In addition to the boldfaced words and the new Sura (which were added 
by me of course) you find a reference to gunpowder being used in the 
Battle of Badr and a steam battering ram being used in the battle of 
Uhud. There are corrections written along the margins in Swedish and 
French and to top it all off there is one final absurdity. In one of 
the Suras the coolness of the rivers and streams in heaven is compared 
to the coolness one experiences when he has an iced Coca-Cola on a hot 
summer day.

  Now what would Muslim readers say to this fantasy? They will say, 
with great feelings of resentment, This is a lie' This is terrible' 
How could an honest intelligent person believe such a thing? There is 
no record of this book before the 20th century' No Muslim writer ever 
mentioned such a reading' It's a pseudo-Qur'an' Not even a Christian 
or Jewish writer ever spoke of it!  And gunpowder? Gunpowder was 
brought to Europe by Marco Polo about 1300 AD (700 years after the 
Qur'an). How could it have been used in the Battle of Badr? Or the 
steam battering ram in the Battle of Uhud. The steam engine was not 
invented by James Watt until about 1800 AD (1100 Ol 1200 years after 
the Qur'an was written) How could anyone believe this terrible lie?
This forgery could not have been written before the 20th century when 
Coca-Cola was put on the market. This is a horrible, terrible, awful 
thing.  This, of course, is exactly how Christians feel when it is 
said that this pseudo-Gospel of Barnabas is the true Gospel. 
How could an honest intelligent person believe such a thing?

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