Mr. Barzeen Melhulan viciously attacked Mr. Newton as a liar and forgerer. Especially he denied that the quotes from Iman Ghazali given in the book "The Place of Women in Pure Islam" are to be found in Ghazali's Ihya. Here now is the evidence. The relevant pages have been scanned and the quotes underlined.
The title page to identify the correct book.
The introduction of the book of Nikah [marriage] containing the contested quotes.
In the following the relevant pages are listed.
page 27:
The underlined part is the quotation marked with footnote [86] in the text.
Page 33:
The first underlined part is the quotation marked with footnote [83]
The second underlinded part is the quotation marked with footnote [82]
The longer part which is the last marked section is the story on
Ibn `Abbas which Mr. Melhulan quoted but then he claimed he could
not find the sentences right in front of it, i.e. footnote [82]
and [83].
Page 34:
The first underlined part is the quotation marked with footnote [79]
The second underlined part is the quotation marked with footnote [87]